Nail salon owners: forget what you think you know, want and need.
Exciting things are happening in February, and if you’re an aspiring nail salon owner or a new nail salon owner, you need to be present. Join me and the rest of the Nail Tech Reality Check team at The Conference at The Renaissance Suites Hotel in Chicago.
Explore your options and craft your business plans as we guide you through the major pitfalls of salon ownership: staffing and compensation, compliance, service pricing, marketing, client relations and more.
- Learn practical strategies and how to implement them immediately.
- Protect your investment against costly violations of federal and state laws.
- Become an exemplary salon owner, one who’s legal, ethical and profitable.
Attendance is limited so you must apply to attend.
Those of you who have been around a while know that I’m a compulsive planner and perfectionist–and I’m not prone to hyperbole. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this event is unlike anything else. The Conference is extremely structured and focused on the needs of the attendees. This event (and each conference I organize in the future) will cater to a specific group of professionals, so all materials, activities, and course content are relevant to every attendee. Additionally, prior to the conference I will spend time with you, learning about your business and individual needs so the team and I can ensure those needs are met. (Hence the application process.)
To ensure everyone gets the individual attention and assistance they require, only 20 businesses will be accepted. Since we announced this event to Nail Tech Reality Check members, applications are already rolling in, so if you’re interested in going, don’t wait to submit yours! Applications will be reviewed and accepted in the order they’re received.
If you have any questions, email them to education@nailtechrealitycheck. To learn more about the event and to apply, click here.
I hope to see you there!