

NOTICE: I am not taking new clients at this time.


I operate differently than most beauty industry consulting firms. Whereas other firms encourage their clients to commit to them for long terms and require hefty retainer fees up-front, my consulting packages are designed to be informative and effective in the least amount of time possible. Ongoing support is available, but I have no desire to function as your salon manager by proxy (I already have two of my own to manage, thank you very much). My goal is to identify problems, devise solutions, and facilitate implementation of those solutions quickly, so you can get back to running your business.


If you read this blog or have seen me speak at industry events, then you probably already know what to expect from me. If you don’t, here’s a quick overview:

  • An effective consultant isn’t your friend. I won’t say what you want to hear but what you need to hear. Some of these things won’t be easy to swallow but will need to be acknowledged and corrected.
  • An effective consultant is thorough. I research every client’s business prior to the appointment.
  • An effective consultant is honest about their limitations. It’s rare, but if I don’t know the answer to one of your questions or have a solution to a problem we’ve identified, I will find and direct you to a reputable source (like a link to a precedent or statute) or refer you to the appropriate specialist (like an attorney).
  • An effective consultant is trustworthy. I understand how sacred our businesses and careers are and how hard it can be to seek advice and implement strategies that may fall outside of our comfort zones. I don’t take my responsibility to you lightly. I never advise anyone to do anything I wouldn’t do myself.


General Consulting

Whether you’re a booth renter, salon owner, student, or licensed professional looking for career guidance, this “anything goes” session has been designed for you. To get the most out of your appointment, prepare a list of questions or topics in advance.

Management Consulting

Need help learning how to manage your salon? Learn how to motivate professionals, design effective discipline policies, develop efficient training programs, reduce employee overturn, and more.

Microsalon Consulting

Just because you’re self-employed doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. This session addresses the needs and concerns of booth renters, suite renters, freelancers, home salon owners, mobile salon owners, and anyone considering self-employment in the beauty industry.

Startup Consulting

Don’t know where to start when it comes to planning your salon? Let’s discuss your startup-related questions! Startup Consulting includes a pre-appointment business plan analysis and local market evaluation.

Turnaround Consulting

Are things getting rough? Let’s discuss your salon’s challenges and potential methods for overcoming them. Turnaround Consulting includes a pre-appointment business analysis and local market evaluation.

Compliance Consulting

Did you misclassify salon employees as independent contractors? Do you need to transition to meet regulatory requirements? Let’s make a plan to ensure a smooth transition.


No Ongoing Contracts (FOR NOW)

Currently, I’m unable to commit to long-term, retainer-based project work and will not be offering work agreements. Until future notice, I’m strictly working on a “first-come, first-served” hourly appointment basis.

Cancellations, Late Arrivals, and No-Shows

Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Clients who cancel with less than 24-hour notice and clients who no-show will not be refunded any portion of their appointment deposit and will likely lose the ability to make appointments with me in the future. Because I work on an appointment-only basis on a strict hourly schedule, clients who arrive late to conferences will not be granted additional time nor will they be refunded any portion of their appointment deposit for the missed time. I am prompt. Barring an actual emergency, I expect you to be too.


I am an independent contractor with respect to you and your business and not an agent, partner, or employee of you or your business. I am solely responsible for payment of income, social security, and other employment taxes due to the proper taxing authorities. You will not deduct such taxes from any payments to me, nor will I expect you to make any contributions to the same.


  • I am required to disclose any outside interests that conflict or may conflict with the best interest of you or your business.
  • I am not an attorney, mental health counselor, or employee/representative of any outside business. Discussions that skirt legal issues should be interpreted as opinions. Legal information shared will always come with the necessary references. If you desire legal advice, tax advice, or relationship advice, you will seek qualified professionals for it as this work falls far outside my pay grade.
  • You maintain control of all decisions and should reject advice you do not agree with.
  • You understand that I cannot control the market, the economy, your actions or the actions of others, or future events and therefore cannot be held responsible for any negative outcomes. I will not be liable to you or your business for special, indirect, consequential, or incidental losses or damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits, lost savings, or other costs, charges, penalties, or liquidated damages.


You recognize that I will have access to business affairs, financial information, personal information, future plans, and other proprietary information (collectively, “Information”) which are valuable, special, and unique assets of your business and need to be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration for the disclosure of the Information, I agree that I will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use any Information for my own benefit, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner any Information to any third party without your prior written consent, excluding that information which will become available to the general public. I will protect the Information and treat it as strictly confidential. This includes the nature of our relationship and my role in shaping your business.